Friday, June 21, 2013

Naughty cartoons

Today we arrived early to the Veste and took a walk around the castle. It was very beatuiful and quite a long way to get around. 

Once it opened, we took a guided tour where we saw the rooms where Luther was in hiding during the Augsburg Confession. If that wasn't great enough, there was a Cranach painting in the room. Granted the rooms probably looked different when Luther was there, but it was fun to be in there.

Then we had our devotion in the Luther chapel. I got to play the organ. I was initially quite excited but when I got up there, well let us just say that it was not the historic organ type I love to play. It was sort of a Rodgers or Allen type of organ. I was a good sport and played it anyway and the acoustics were nice if nothing else. The chapel itself was quite beautiful. 

After devotions we had a bit of free time to look about the museum. There were lots of wonderful things and the special exhibit was cartoons of anti-Protestant and anti-Catholic propaganda. Let it suffice to say some had me laughing out loud and others had me shaking my head wondering how humans can be so cruel to each other. 

From here we traveled to Rothenburg. We will be here until tomorrow and had some time to look around the city. After dinner Ross and I walked all the way around the city. This was especially neat because it is a walled city. We took nearly 100 pictures because it was so gorgeous. 

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