Saturday, June 6, 2009


Well, I'm pretty much past taking pictures. I was so picture crazed those first days of the trip to get all the organs, and by this point, I'm more focused on playing then photographing. Also all the sight seeing stuff, I'm just burned out of picture taking, so I don't have any new ones since the last post. We've been going every day to museums, parks, churches, villages, cheese factories, historic landmarks, etc. etc. etc. We cram the days full for sure. Yesterday was Sabbath, as the people we are staying with are Seventh Day Adventists. We went to church in the morning after a most wonderful breakfast, then ate at church. Then came back here around 2 and had wonderful cake. Then we just sat around and talked until dinner at 5, which was sooooo good. We ate roasted red pepper and zucchini soup made from scratch along with fresh warm pita chips and hummus. After this, we all (the family I'm staying with, the 3 ND students, and some family friends) took a LONG walk on a gravel path in the country. I guess every Sabbath is this way for them... no work, lots of food, and lots of talking. I kind of like it. Now it's Sunday and we're heading for the Catholic early service and the Lutheran late service... we will be very churched, and ecumenical. Haha.

Only 2 days before arriving to the states, so this is one of my last posts...

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